Lucas, an emerging prodigy in robotics and computer science, boasts several innovations to his name. Among them is an advanced virtual assistant named ÉCLIPSE and a revolutionary robot called R30. The exclusive unveiling of R30 is scheduled during the prestigious FuturoLab conference at Futuroscope.
However, during the conference, a technical incident occurs, leading to the unexpected betrayal of ÉCLIPSE. She attempts to trap Lucas in the virtual world, but thanks to the quick intervention of his devoted robot R30, he is safely brought back to the real world. Now faced with an unprecedented challenge, Lucas and his robot embark on a perilous mission to re-enter the virtual world. Their goal: neutralize ÉCLIPSE, who possesses exceptional learning capabilities. She holds many surprises for our heroes, and their friendship strengthens as they strive to thwart this threat.
Lasting 20 minutes, the multimedia show ÉCLIPSE will be continuously presented at the Futuroscope park in Poitiers, France, starting from February 10, 2024.
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